I, affirm the resolution: The United States Ought To Guarantee Universal Health Care for its Citizens.
Guarantee-An assurance for the fulfillment of a condition. (Defined from merriam-webster)
Universal Health Care- A system of organized health-care systems built around the principle of universal coverage for all members of society
I value the Quality of Life.
Contention 1: citizens will no longer go broke because of medical Bills
In the United States is the overpriced healthcare and attendance, causing many citizens in need of treatment and they don’t have to choice to go bankrupt. This has a huge effect on our economy, this will only be benefitting the doctors and the hospitals they are at. Universal coverage, in countries like Germany and Japan, make the number of bankruptcies related to medical expenses so small as to be not worth considering it will be insignificant. A 2009 study found that 62 percent of all bankruptcies in the United States were linked to expenses from medical problems. If we have Universal Healthcare system like the ones in the countries I have listed this can be avoided. The universal healthcare will take care of all those bills that citizens would not have been able to pay off. With the money saved from not paying the bills the quality of life will increase.
Sub point A:
Numerous studies over the past 10 years conclude that tens of thousands of Americans die each year because they lack insurance, Partially because they can’t afford it and won’t buy it. A 2009 study conducted at Harvard Medical School and Cambridge Health Alliance, and published in the American Journal of Public Health concluded that “lack of health insurance is associated with as many as 44,789 deaths per year in the United States, more than those caused by kidney disease. … The increased risk of death attributable to un-insurance suggests that alternative measures of access to medical care for the uninsured, such as community health centers, do not provide the protection of private health insurance.
Contention 2: We can eliminate wasteful inefficiencies such as duplicate paper work, claim approval, insurance submission, etc.
Think back to all the times in your life you've had to fill out a medical history, answering the same questions over and over. Think about all the insurance paperwork you've had to fill out and submit. Our current health care system generates an enormous amount of overhead. Every time we go to the doctor, a claim must be submitted, an approval department has to go over the claim, checks have to be mailed, and patients are sent co-pay bills, and so on. The thing that's especially wasteful is that each doctor's office usually maintains their own record-keeping system. A universal healthcare plan would allow us to build one centralized system. There would be no need for maintaining insurance information or wasting time submitting claims. The work savings in the banking