What I see the position of a tutor/trainer is?
It’s important to manage and create a positive learning environment because you must ensure that everyone knows the health & safety rules and safeguards. Planning and preparation will ensure that the lesson is structured to the audience and runs to a schedule, but you must remain flexible. The trainer/tutor must maintain control enabling all students get the most out of the lesson. The room should be laid out to suit the lesson as well as the teaching technique. The layout of a room can change the dynamics of the lesson so ensuring the lay out will suit your lesson and the ability of the student to see hear and interact with you and others. Researching your students will help you understand how they learn. Designing a programme of study will set out the lesson allowing for breaks. It is also important to keep the lesson interesting by developing new and existing ways to deliver the lesson. Ensuring that no boundaries are over stepped such as inappropriate language. The tutor/trainer must make sure the lessons material is appropriate and will not offend anyone and all information is confidential under the data protection act unless it comes under the duty of care which you should then inform the student that you will inform the relevant people. Ensure that you treat all students equally and do not discriminate against any one. To listen and not to ridicule students opinions or answers. It is the trainer/tutor’s duty to ensure that he/she has the relevant skills and qualifications as well as up to date material and literature so that the student gets the best and most up to date information. The trainer/tutor should give social and pastoral care by managing behaviour and anti-bullying. The trainer/tutor should supply learning materials. The trainer/tutor must complete a risk assessment of the whole venue from entrance to the class room, this must be done on a daily basis or if anything changes such as class room or entry or exit. This is to identify any hazard to anyone and eliminate or reduce the risk.
Identifying and meeting the needs of learners can be done by getting the students to complete a V.A.K learning styles self – assessment questionnaire (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) a visual learner prefers to see information such as pictures, diagrams, cartoon, and demonstrations. These students are easily distracted in lectures and overwhelmed with intense visuals accompanied by lecture.
Auditory learners prefer to hear information spoken; they can take in lectures with little effort, may not take notes and will concentrate on