Advantage And Disadvantage Of Solar Energy

Words: 830
Pages: 4

• The Sun has been the ultimate source of energy and heat to mankind . Since time immortal .It as a natural source of energy has been nurturing life over our planets from millions of years .
• To further elaborate on the details of the process its worth mentioning here that Solar Enegry is quite space in all directions.
• We all know , not all the energy radiated by sun reaches our planet ,only a very few reaches to Earth only this small amount of energy is the source which is directly or indirectly involved in supporting the living system .The exceptions to the above statement are dependent upon the sun.
• With the contiguous growing population over this planet and the subsequent increasing energy demands can be supplied with solar power .

• The most commonly used collectors nowadays are the flat collectors .They Can be of Varied of Shape And Size.
• Solar Energy shall always remain top priority of Various organisation and institutions working over renewable and alternative sources of energy .
• Also to maintain the warmth , methods like temperature regulators and lids over small pools are put to execution wherever needed.
• Solar Energy is often used power as well as often in an entire heating minds .
• The passive heaters as discussed above can be at times take different forms . If the most basic one is to be discussed least we forget the incidental heat trap .The simple idea behind this to allow the maximum amount during the day
• Thermosyphoning walls/ roofs is again an another form of passive collectors .
• Not only this Solar Energy other than being put into use for heating can also be used for cooling. Designing of