Associate Degree Nursing
Associate of Applied Science
Completion of the program specific requirements listed below leads to the Associate of Applied Science degree and is designed to provide the student with the skill and knowledge required to pass the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (Texas-RN) NCLEX-RN examination
Program locations: Hillsboro and Cleburne Campus. Please contact the Health Science Department for additional information about the program.
Required Pre-Requisites Sem. Hours BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I 4 MATH 1314 College Algebra 3 ENGL 1301 Composition I 3 BIOL 1322 Nutrition 3 13
Additional Academic Courses Available Before or Concurrent with Program (extra points in selection process): RNSG 1301 Pharmacology 3 BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II 4 BIOL 2420 Microbiology (Bacteriology) for Non-Science Majors 4 PSYC 2314 Human Growth and Development 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 17
Program Curriculum (RN Generic): RNSG 1513 Foundations for Nursing Practice 5 RNSG 1160 Clinical – Nursing Registered Nurse Training 1 RNSG 1441 Common Concepts of Adult Health 4 RNSG 1261 Clinical – Nursing – Registered Nurse Training 2 RNSG 1412 Nursing Care of the Childbearing and Child Rearing Family 4 RNSG 2213 Mental Health Nursing 2 RNSG 2261 Clinical – Nursing- Registered Nurse Training 2 RNSG 1343 Complex Concepts of
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and Resources ............................................................................................................. 10-11 Overview of Nursing Program and Tracks Thank you for your interest in the nursing program of Oakland Community College (OCC). The nursing program at OCC is rigorous and incorporates a variety of experiences. A typical week for a student might include 3-4 hours of theory lecture on Monday, two 8-hour clinical shifts in an agency setting (day or evening; some weekend…
Running head: THE DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES BETWEEN ADN AND BS The Differences in Competencies between ADN and BSN prepared Nurses Grand Canyon University The Differences in Competencies between ADN and BSN prepared Nurses There are three routes to entry level nursing, and two of these routes are at a collegiate level. Both of these collegiate level programs provide enough information for the graduate to take and pass the NCLEX-RN exam. However, there are critical differences between…
Title: The differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at ADN versus BSN level of Nursing with- Patient Case Scenario Name: Lu-Anna Godett Grand Canyon University: NRS-340V May 3rd, 2015 Nursing is a field that is constantly changing and evolving which makes it necessary for nurses to grow and evolve with it. One of the ways to facilitate these changes is through education. This paper will take a look at the difference in competencies of an Associates Degree and a Bachelorette…
University, College of Nursing Philosophy) Patient Care Scenario A patient is admitted with abdominal pain, fever and nausea and vomiting of 3 days. Patient doesn’t have any insurance; they speak Spanish as well as the family. The home meds of the patient are in Spanish. The Associate nurse would use her background of knowledge head to toe assignment as taught in nursing school. The assessment of the patient shows: patient is warm to touch, skin is clammy, and abdominal is round. The ADN may have…
Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) while the other would be to achieve a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN). While both are accepted in most holistic institutions there are still differences in the knowledge base gained from either degree. This in turn has created a distinct level or preparation for each pathway upon entering the nursing profession. In other word, the competencies for a nurse with a BSN will often outnumber the competencies of a nurse with an ADN. According to the American Nurses…
London in 1860. This paper focus on the narrative looks at the performance difference between the two pathways of nursing these days. It will highlight the specific traits of the nurse with associate degree (ADN) and the nurse with baccalaureate degree (BSN). From historical perspective the ADN is a popular program though the future is going towards in favor of BSN. Associate degree and baccalaureate degree educations are still suitable pathways for broader population whereas the diploma level education…
failure. (Blegen, Goode, Park, Vaughn, & Spentz, 2013). On a busy floor an ADN prepared nurse is assigned a patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The ADN prepared nurse begins the day by giving the patient morning medications and assessing the patient. During the assessment the patient complains of shortness of breath. The ADN nurse checks the patient’s Pulse Oxidation level which is 86% the ADN nurse then places the patient on 2 liters of oxygen per nasal cannula and waits…