1. scar: ˈskär n. a steep rocky eminence “In the middle of the scar he stood on top of his head and grinned at the reversed fat boy.” (pg. 8) 2. proffer: ˈprä-fər n. offer, suggestion “The fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn but this proffer of acquaintance was not made; the fair boy called Ralph smiled vaguely, stood up, and began to make his way once more to the lagoon.” (pg. 9) 3. lug: ˈləg v. to pull with effort “He undid the snake-clasp of his belt, lugged off his shorts and pants, and stood there naked, looking at the dazzling beach water.” (pg. 10) 4. sidelong: ˈsīd-ˌlȯŋ adj. indirect rather than straightforward “Ralph looked at him sidelong and said nothing.” (pg. 11) 5. efflorescence: ef-lə-ˈres-ən(t) n. blossoming “It was clear to the bottom and bright with efflorescence.” (pg. 12) 6. loom: ˈlüm v. to come into sight in enlarged or distorted
“Ralph did a surface dive and swam under water with his eyes open; the sandy edge of the pool loomed up like a hillside.” (pg. 13) 7. effulgence: i-ˈfu̇l-jən(t)s n. radiant splendor
“With that word the head seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with blinding effulgence.” (pg. 14) 8. frond: ˈfränd n. a large leaf
“When these breezes reached the platform the palm fronds would whisper, so that spots of blurred sunlight was crawling across his hair.” (pg. 15) 9. fulcrum: ˈfu̇l-krəm n. a prop
"Ralph used one hand as a fulcrum and pressed down with the other till the shell rose, dripping, and Piggy could make a grab.” (pg. 16)