Academic Dishonesty and Strict Apa Formatting Essay
Submitted By Nolan-Pereira
Words: 744
Pages: 3
The awarding of a university degree attests that an individual has demonstrated mastery of a significant body of knowledge and skills of substantive value to society. Any type of dishonesty in securing those credentials therefore invites serious sanctions, up to and including suspension and expulsion. Examples of dishonesty include actual or attempted cheating, plagiarism*, or knowingly furnishing false information to any university employee.
*Plagiarism is defined as submitting anything for credit in one course that has already been submitted for credit in another course, or copying any part of someone else’s intellectual work – their ideas and/or words – published or unpublished, including that of other students, and portraying it as one’s own. Proper quoting, using strict APA formatting, is required, as described by the instructor. All students are required to read the material presented at:
Students must properly cite any quoted material. No term paper, business plan, term project, case analysis, or assignment may have more than 20% of its content quoted from another source. Students who need assistance in learning to paraphrase should ask the instructor for guidance. This university employs plagiarism-detection software, through which all written student assignments are processed for comparison with material published in traditional sources (books, journals, magazines), on the internet
(to include essays for sale), and papers turned in by students in the same and other classes in this and all previous terms. The penalty for plagiarism may range from zero credit on the assignment, to zero in the course, to expulsion from the university with appropriate notation in the student’s permanent file.
In addition, your instructor reserves the right to reject any work submitted by you which appears to be of a type or quality that is incongruent with what the instructor perceives to be your previously-demonstrated comprehension of course materials. While your work is expected to improve over the term, work which is of a quality entirely inconsistent with previous submissions or written communications will cause your instructor to question whether the work is your own or represents that of someone else. If this is suspected, your instructor will contact you directly and seek clarification.
Students at Florida International University are expected to adhere to the highest standards of integrity in every aspect of their lives. Honesty in academic matters is part of this obligation. CNT 4403 Course Syllabus Page 4 of 4
Academic integrity is the adherence to those special values regarding life and work in an academic community. Any act or omission by a student which violates this concept of academic integrity shall be defined as academic misconduct and shall be subject to the procedures and penalties set forth herein.
Definition of Academic Misconduct: The term "academic misconduct" is academic dishonesty and shall include the following acts and/or omissions:
a. Cheating, which is the unauthorized use of books, notes, aids or assistance from another person with respect to