Essay about Aboriginal Women in Canada

Words: 1372
Pages: 6

The issue of violence against Aboriginal women is my chosen subtopic that strongly contributes to the history of Aboriginal women’s struggle for rights and identity in Canada. To search relevant newspaper articles for this topic, the databases that were used were Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, as well as Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies. The reason these two databases were chosen was because Canadian Newsstand offered articles from multiple newspapers in the country, therefore providing me with diverse news in different provinces other than Ontario. The article I obtained from Canadian Newsstand was Canada Called on to Stop Violence Against Aboriginal Women from the Leader Post newspaper in Saskatchewan. Lexis Nexus provided one article I
The UN called on Canada to establish a national action plan for families that include services for aboriginal women experiencing violence, including shelter, and government care, and information about missing persons.

In all articles chosen from the selected databases, the prime focus is the violence against Aboriginal women. A common idea that lies within these articles is the lack of attention towards Aboriginal women compared to other females, or cultural societies in general. This underlying social problem is in need of urgent attention, however, insufficient information is provided to societies, which therefore cease effective action (Brownridge, 2003, p.67). The scholarly articles’ (Gender, Sovereignty, Rights: Native Women's Activism against Social Inequality and Violence in Canada and Male Partner Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Canada: An Empirical Analysis) focus is more specific to individuals such as university students, researchers, and those looking to seek more research-based information about this specific topic. The newspaper articles (AFN Chief Finds No Support from Premiers; Shawn Atleo Left Meeting with No Assurances to Help with Public Inquiry Into Violence Against Women and Canada Called On to Stop Violence Against Aboriginal Women) bring forth a general