Word Details Grammar Meaning CLC Test Call a, ab + ablative (also used as prefix with verbs) preposition from, away from, by 17/22 1 aufero auferre, abstuli, ablatus verb irregular take away, carry off, steal 26 1 bellum belli, n noun 2 war 26 1 bellum gero gerere, gessi, gestus verb 3 wage war 26 1 canis canis, m and f noun 3 dog 1 1 doceo docere, docui, doctus verb 2 teach 26 1 ferox ferocis adjective fierce, ferocious 8 1 ille ilIa, illud pronoun that, he, she, it 9 1 laetus laeta, laetum adjective happy 2 1 legio legionis, f noun 3 legion 26 1 num indeclinable particle whether 26 1 quot? indeclinable adjective how many? 26 1 refero referre, rettuli, relatus verb irregular bring/carry back, report, tell 26 1 regnum regni, n noun 2 kingdom 26 1 rideo ridere, risi verb 2 laugh, smile 3 1 saevus saeva, saevum adjective savage, cruel 26 1 sapiens sapientis adjective wise 21 1 si indeclinable conjunction if 26 1 signum signi, n noun 2 sign, signal, standard 4 1 talis tale adjective such 23 1 tristis triste adjective sad 24 1 ubi indeclinable adverb where? where, when 5 1 ut indeclinable + subjunctive conjunction that, so that, in order that 26 1 vendo vendere, vendidi, venditus verb 3 sell 6 1 verbum verbi, n noun 2 word 22 1 adeo indeclinable adverb so much, so greatly 27 2 annus anni, m noun 2 year 21 2 antea indeclinable adverb before 27 2 appareo apparere, apparui verb 2 appear 27 2 comes comitis, m and f noun 3 comrade, companion 27 2 conspicio conspicere, conspexi, conspectus verb 3 catch sight of, notice 7 2 filius filii, m noun 2 son 1 2 gaudeo gaudere, gavisus sum verb 2 be pleased, rejoice 27 2 gladius gladii, m noun 2 sword 8 2 impero imperare, imperavi, imperatus + dative verb 1 order, command, power 27 2 incendo incendere, incendi, incensus verb 3 burn, set on fire 27 2 iterum indeclinable adverb again 9 2 laudo laudare, laudavi, laudatus verb 1 praise 2 2 pervenio pervenire, perveni, perventus verb 4 reach, arrive at 17 2 praemium praemii, n noun 2 prize, reward, profit 27 2 proximus proxima, proximum adjective nearest, next to 27 2 qualis? quale adjective what sort of? 27 2 quo? indeclinable adverb to where? 18 2 relinquo relinquere, reliqui, relictus verb 3 leave, leave behind 20 2 salve! salvete! (plural) verb imperative hello! 3 2 sub + accusative/ablative preposition under, beneath 27 2 tantus tanta, tantum adjective so great, such a great 27 2 tu tui pronoun you (singular) 4 2 urbs urbis, f noun 3 city, town 5 2 vox vocis, f noun 3 voice, shout 19 2 ac, atque indeclinable conjunction and 28 3 alter altera, alterum pronoun/adjective the other, another, the second of two 13 3 appropinquo appropinquare, appropinquavi + dative verb 1 approach, come near to 17 3 cognosco cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus verb 3 get to know, find out 18 3 constituo constituere, constitui, constitutus verb 3 decide 28 3 corpus corporis, n noun 3 body 28 3 cum indeclinable conjunction when, since 7 3 deleo delere, delevi, deletus verb 2 destroy 14 3 effugio effugere, effugi verb 3 escape 16 3 etiam indeclinable adverb also, even 15 3 hic haec, hoc pronoun this, he, she, it 8 3 hortus horti, m noun 2 garden 1 3 iaceo iacere, iacui verb 2 lie 12 3 ira irae, f noun 1 anger 28 3 malus mala, malum adjective evil, bad 28 3 maneo manere, mansi verb 2 remain, stay 9 3 nam indeclinable conjunction for 18 3 occido occidere, occidi, occisus verb 3 kill 28 3 quoque indeclinable conjunction also, too 2 3 sic indeclinable adverb thus, in this way 28 3 spes spei, f noun 5 hope 28 3 surgo surgere, surrexi verb 3 get up,