A Relational Operator Is Commonly Used It What Expression?

Submitted By SirSavage
Words: 335
Pages: 2

Chapter 1) A program isn’t made of which of the following
A) Statements
B) Syntax
C) Objects
D) Operators
Pg. 7-8
Chapter 2) What is the proper code to close a program?
A) Me.Exit()
B) Exit Sub
C) Close Sub
Pg. 77-78
Chapter 3) Which of these is a valid addition expression?
A) IntA + 10
B) 20 + IntB
C) IntC = IntA + IntB
D) All above are valid expressions
Pg. 137
Chapter 4) A relational operator is commonly used it what expression?
A) Quantitative
B) Boolean
C) Sequential
D) Facial
Pg. 211
Chapter 5) Combo boxes and list boxes are similar in the following ways except:
A) They both have Selected.Items, Clear.Index, and Remove.Index methods
B) They both have Items, Items.Count, SelectedIndex, and Sorted properties
C) They both have Items.Add, Items.Clear, Items.Remove, and Items.RemoveAt methods
D) They both display a list of items for users
Pg. 320
Chapter 6) When writing functions you are limited to returning…
A) Numeric values
B) Strings
C) Booleans
D) You can return all three
Chapter 7) What is the purpose of the Hide method?
A) Removes a form from memory
B) Makes a form and control invisible
C) Makes a control invisible
D) Makes a form invisible
Chapter 8) which of the following sorts an array in ascending order?
A) Array.Sort (ArrayName)
B) Array.Organize (AscendingOrder)
C) Array.Organize (ArrayName)
D) Array.Sort (AscendingOrder)
Pg. 492
Chapter 9) The general format for a