If there is a PV system in Bridgeport and assume that the shape of the sun light spectrum doesn’t change, 1. Calculate the distance between the sun and the earth on Feb. 27, 2014.
2. According to the black body model with the sun surface temperature as 5777K, calculate the solar irradiance. Compare this value with the solar constant, 1367W/m2.
3. Calculate the air mass at 10AM on the same date and determine the total irradiance reduction. The solar position is the result from your simulation.
4. Our PV system faces the south and the angle between the PV panel and the ground is 60o.
Calculate the tilt angle at 10AM.
5. Calculate the direct irradiance and diffuse irradiance on the PV system. Determine the irradiance on the PV system. In this calculation, the ground reflection is negligible.
6. Suppose the 3ftx12ft PV system consists of silicon based solar cells, calculate the power output and the efficiency.
7. Update your program to include the steps above
Gamat = 60;
AlphaS = 180; //panel facing south 180 degree, north = 0 degrees
PVarea = (float)1.83; // in Feet^2
Alphat = 0; //PV panel offset with North c1 = (float)(3.74 * Math.pow(10,-16)); //constant in Wm^2 c2 = (float)(1.44 * Math.pow(10,-2)); //constant in m K c = (float)(2.99792458 * Math.pow(10,8)); //speed of light m/s
E = (float)(1.1*1.6 * Math.pow(10,-19)); //Ev silicon band gaph h = (float)(6.63 * Math.pow(10,-34)); dlamta = (float)(100* Math.pow(10,-9)); //for silicon bandgap 1.1eV
T = (float)(5777.0); // blackbody temperature in Kevin
Irradiance = 0;
ThetaT = 0;
Electricity = 0;
Pmax_temp = 0; ev_to_J = (float)(1.6 * Math.pow(10,-19)); // 1eV = 1.6 x 10^-10 joules efficiency = (float)0.46211; lamta_cutoff = (float)((h*c)/E); radius_sun = (float)(6.955 * Math.pow(10,8)); //meters
//Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
//System.out.print("Enter Longitude to be calculate :");
//longitude = in.nextFloat();
//System.out.print("Enter Latitude to be calculate :");
//latitude = in.nextFloat();
//System.out.print("Enter month to be calculate :");
//month = in.nextInt();
//System.out.print("Enter day to be calculate :");
//day = in.nextInt();
//System.out.print("Enter hour to be calculate :");
//hour = in.nextInt();
//System.out.print("Panel and ground Angle :");
//Gamat = in.nextInt();
//System.out.print("Panel facing direction(south = 180) :");
//AlphaS = in.nextInt();
//System.out.print("Alpha T = 0 : ");
//Alphat = in.nextInt();
//System.out.print("Solar panel surface area in ft^2 : ");
//PVarea = in.nextInt(); int month_index=month-1; int date_val=day; int j_day=0; if (month_index==0) j_day=0+date_val; else if (month_index==1) j_day=31+date_val; else if (month_index==2)
j_day=59+date_val; else if (month_index==3) j_day=90+date_val; else if (month_index==4) j_day=120+date_val; else if (month_index==5) j_day=151+date_val; else if (month_index==6) j_day=181+date_val; else if (month_index==7) j_day=212+date_val; else if (month_index==8) j_day=243+date_val; else if (month_index==9) j_day=273+date_val; else if (month_index==10) j_day=304+date_val; else j_day=334+date_val;
//****************Calculate earth to sun distance******************* tempDistAng = (float)((360.0*(j_day-93.0)/365.0));