Couscous salad was elected as the third favorite dish of French people in 2011. Today Couscous is known in most parts of the world and can be served throughout the day. According to the Canadian Food Guide, a meal should consists of a good balance of each macromolecule (Protein, fat/lipids and carbohydrates) the meal should also be rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore knowing these facts, I believe that Couscous is can be considered a meal. Couscous contains roughly 70 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent protein and around 10 percent fat. The carbohydrates that are included in Couscous are all plant based, and are known to be good carbs because they are able to break down easily. The fat in Couscous is the olive oil and natural plant fats which, which are low in LDL cholesterol which is healthy for our body. The protein that is included in Couscous is also plant-based amino acids, mostly coming from the actual Couscous, which gives some of the essential amino acids needed for our body.
I believe Couscous is a well-balanced food. A well balanced diet should consist of 45 to 65 percent carbohydrates, 20 to 35 percent fat and 10 to 35 percent protein and couscous falls correctly in these categories. With the micronutrients such as Vitamins C, A, B, iron and manganese, couscous makes is easy to pack the most nourishment into your meals.
The four categories of the Canadian Food Guide include Vegetables and fruits, Gain products, milk and alternatives and meat and alternatives. Male teenagers should get about 8 servings of fruits and vegetables, and just by having 1