8 9 Reaction Paper

Submitted By Deone11
Words: 891
Pages: 4

The five treatment philosophies and theories are Psychodynamic, Cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, Dialectical behavior, and addiction/twelve-step. Psychodynamic therapy is the view of behaviors emphasizes internal conflict, motives, and unconscious forces. There are many theories of on the development of psychological disorders in particular. The common feature of this theory is the belief that the underlying causes of disordered behaviors are not addressed and resolved, it may subside for a time but will often return. In all psychodynamic theories symptoms are seen as expressions of a struggling inner self that uses the disordered eating and weight control behaviors as a way to communicate or expressing underlying issues. Symptoms are viewed as useful for clients. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most well-known and studied technique or treatment approach currently used to challenge, manage, and transform specific food and weight- related behaviors. It was developed in the 1970s by Aaron beck as a technique for treating depression. CBT are feelings and behaviors that are created by cognitions. CBT uses homework, journals, and monitoring outside of the sessions. Educating clients about dieting, purging, medical complications and so on is an important part of this model. Researchers have developed cognitive behavioral programs with treatment manuals that provide very specific interventions to be followed. Common cognitive distortions can be put into categories such as all or nothing thinking, overgeneralizing, assuming, magnifying minimizing, magical thinking, and personalizing. Cognitive distortions are held sacred by clients who rely on them as guidelines for behavior to gain a sense of identity, safety, and control. The serve a variety of functions like provide a sense of safety and control, reinforce the disorder as a part of individuals identify, enable individuals to replace reality with a system that support their behavior, and help and explanation of justification of behaviors with others. Studies indicate that cognitive behavioral therapy is useful for treating bulimia and BED, results are lacking for anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa the results have been the most promising. Several studies show CBT outperforming other used with the condition. Even though the findings are promising, researchers concede that the results show only that in these studies CBT worked better than other methods it was compared to and not that we have found a form of treatment that will help most clients. Interpersonal therapy focuses on the link between eating disorders and underlying relationship issues. During this showing it showed efficacy in treating bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders. People that have interpersonal problems that play an important role in the onset and continuation of the disorder. The problem most often identified and targeted in his treatment was are the role disputes, role transition, grief, and interpersonal deficits intimate relationship. Although IPT doesn’t discuss food, weight, or shape but rather encourage clients to associate their symptoms with life experiences and interpersonal problems. Identifying and focusing on specific problems, relationships, and using role playing and problem solving are all part of this therapy. Dialectical behavior therapy is one therapeutic model that has gained attention over last view. Which combine cognitive behavioral techniques with interpersonal therapy. Because DBT was originally developed to treat individuals with poor interpersonal skills who exhibited mood fluctuations, poor impulse control, and self-destructive behaviors, seems like a good choice for bulimia and binge eating. The main areas of focus in DBT are mindfulness, distress tolerance,