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Candidate Name: Sara Carter
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Leadership how this varies from management, is that a leader can be put into 3 catorgies, having authority , being demorcatic and laissez-faire, by having authority you are quickly dealing with all objectives straight away whether this be staff issues or policy makig decisions , this style of leadership and management is only to keepcontrol , I have worked under this style of management and I feel that this does not always work as staff feel overlooked, ignored and by this happening this caused conflict within the team and left staff feeling worthless and having no respect for the manager . The working environment then becomes to suffer and staff have the attitude of why should we come to work to be made to feel worthless and not appreciated . Democartic this is where the manager deligates job roles to varius staff members to help achieve the best outcomes across the board, by doing this it gives staff a purpose and for them to achive goals within their job role and it values the staff. Laissez-faire this where the manager sees themselves as one of the group , this does have it advantages by allowing staff to be more creative and spontaneous , also I have worked under this style of management and therfore felt that there was not enough direction within the team and the manager was quite happy for others to do their job role and to let standards slide and not deal with any conflict that was happening within the care team.
The conflicts between management and leadership, is that managers are there to manage the organisation , delegate, be controlling have inputs and to make sure the staff do what they are told, define competence requirements and the title Manager gives you the authority to act within the company procedures and policies. Leadership is finding ways to encourage creativity and for staff to use their own intitative, the leadership does share authority but mat be more flexible whne it comes to discipline. Mangement is about doing things right , setting the rules , seeing that the rules are followed , having control. Leadership is doing the right things , developing trust and taking risks , to ensure that staff meet their full potential and know what is thebest way forward. I myself have worked in environments where both management and leadership have being effective , I believe as a maager that I would be
process or course of action, whose outcome is uncertain. • Examples Experiment p • Flip a coin • Record a statistics test marks • Measure the time to assemble a computer Outcomes Heads and Tails Numbers between 0 and 100 numbers from zero and above 6.2 Assigning probabilities to Events • Performing the same random experiment repeatedly, may result in different outcomes, therefore, the best we can do is consider the probability of occurrence of a certain outcome. • To determine the probabilities…
3e (Braun/Tietz) Chapter 2 Building Blocks of Managerial Accounting 1) Service companies must carry a large amount of inventory to meet consumer demand. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 LO: 2-1 EOC: E2-1 AACSB: Reflective Thinking Learning Outcome: Define and use cost-volume-profit analysis to analyze the effects of changes in costs and volume on a company's profits 2) Manufacturing companies usually have three types of inventory. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 LO: 2-1 EOC: E2-1 AACSB: Reflective…
GCH 412 Midterm Study Guide Spring 2014 Tests will be a combination of matching, short answer, and calculations. You may use a simple calculator; no cell phone calculators are permitted. Remember to show ALL your work for calculation problems (partial credit will be given). You are also allowed one 3 X 5 index card as a resource during the exam. Be able to define the following terms: Morbidity: illnesses due to specific disease or health condition Mortality: death e.g. death from various…
in older to address the issue (Hibberd & Smith, 2006). Fourthly, these intentions result in behaviors that evoke a reaction (Hibberd & Smith, 2006). The reaction may change the individual’s thoughts and emotions relating to the conflict. Fifthly, outcomes such as resolution are produced as a result of discussing the conflict (Hibberd & Smith, 2006). Once a nurse manager is capable of identifying and recognizing the five stages of conflict, one can apply and utilize the process model and different…
Week 1 Assessment This week we looked at Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and also did a personal evaluation of your own personality type. For this week’s assessment, take a look at each of the seven habits and in 500 - 650 words discuss how each habit relates to leadership and your own personal style of leadership. At this point you may not know exactly what your style is (that’s okay) just describe what you think your style of leadership is at this point. We’ll likely refine that…
I 10 diagrammatic/calculation questions of which you are expected to answer any eight (10 marks each for a total of 80%). If you answer more than 8 questions, only the worst 8 marks will be counted. Part II 10 multiple choice questions worth 2 marks each for a total of 20%. Wrong answers will not be deducted from right in grading Part II. All questions are to be answered in the spaces provided in this question paper booklet Do not remove any pages or add any pages. No additional paper…
navigation bar. Click “Files” to explore what I have posted so far. Important note: You must click on triangles next to folders in order to open them and see what’s inside. Until you click to open them, they might appear to be empty! STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will build upon their algebra skills to develop modeling skills and deepen their understanding of functions. Upon successful completion of the course: A successful student will be able to model real-life phenomenon using linear, polynomial…
Topic 2: Parliament 04: 'Explain the term parliamentary majority' Parliamentary Majority occurs when the preponderance of a governing party has absolute supremacy and the votes are swayed to one side – Given a division is won to a certain party, the opposition or proposition for that matter wins the vote and secures their motion and furthermore seats in the legislation. On rare occasions the removal of a government party by a vote of confidence has happened. only 4 times since 1895 – The most…
instrument for service offshoring. In their regression model they used the number of internet hosts in the countries that supply the largest shares of services to the US. These outcomes reflect the changes in new technologies that would only affect US productivity through their effect on offshoring. Their empirical outcome was that there is a positive effect on productivity through outsourcing. CONS The American citizens…