Category: Author’s use of language to depict sound Definition: The repetition of sounds, especially initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words. The repetition can reinforce meaning, unifying ideas and/or a musical sound.
Our Description: The start of a couple of
friends fried words in a sentence are the same letter.
Fritos for Friday’s food. Fred
Figurative language
Definition: A direct or indirect reference to something that is commonly known such as an event, book, myth, place or work of art.
They can be historical literary, religious or mythical.
Description: A reference to something that is commonly known.
Example: He was a real Romeo with the ladies.
Definition: Going back to an earlier time in or before the story for the purpose of making something in the present clearer.
My Description: Recalling something that happened earlier in the story or before.
Katniss has a flashback of how she knows Peeta.
(Figurative Language)
Generally, anything that represents or stands for something else. Usually, it is something concrete-such as an object, action, character or scene- that represents something more abstract. However, they can be more complex. One system classifies them in three categories. Conventional symbols are those that have been invested with meaning by a group. Literary symbols are sometimes also conventional in the sense that they are found in a variety of works and are generally recognized. However, a work’s symbol may be more complicated. Natural symbols are objects and occurrences from nature to represent ideas commonly associated with them.
It’s an icon/ symbol that goes beyond its meaning.
An example of symbolism is the American flag would symbolize patriotism for the United States.
Term: Denotation
Category: Author’s Use of Diction
Definition: the strict, literal, dictionary definition of a word, devoid of any emotion, attitude, or color.
My Description: the “real” definition.
The denotation of the word “home” is “a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household”, although people associate different connotations with the word.
Category: Figurative Language
Definition: A figure of speech using deliberate exaggeration or overstatement. They often have a comic effect; however, a serious effect is also possible. Often, they produce irony at the same time.
My description: An over exaggeration, usually for comical purposes Example: The batter smashed the ball to the MOON!
Category- Authors use of structuring techniques
Definition-A speech delivered by a character who is alone on stage to express his/her inner thoughts and comments.
My description- When someone on stage is alone and talking about to themselves, the audience can understand what’s happening. Example- The famous “Balcony Scene” from Romeo and Juliet,
“O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Term: Connotation
Category: literary device
Definition: The non-literal, associative meaning of a word, the implied, suggested meanings.
My Description: Connotations are the ideas and feeling that are included in the implied meaning.
Example: The word “thin” has a more positive ideas or feelings than the word “skinny”.
Term: Archetype
Category: Author’s Use of Structuring Techniques
Definition: A character type, a pattern, or model of an action or an image that recurs consistently enough in life and in literature to be considered universal.
My description: It’s when something occurs over and over again and becomes collective
Example: Dumbledore is an