Hunger and malnutrition are in fact the number one risk to the health worldwide — greater than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Among the key causes of hunger are natural disasters, conflict, poverty, poor agricultural infrastructure and over-exploitation of the environment. Even in the United States where food is plentiful, millions of men, women, and children go to bed hungry. Approximately 35 million Americans, including 13 million children, face "food insecurity" or hunger each day. Hunger does not only weigh on the individual. It also imposes a crushing economic burden on the developing world. Economists estimate that every child whose physical and mental development is stunted by hunger and malnutrition stands to lose 5-10 percent in lifetime earnings. Hunger is both caused by, and a contributor to, poverty, People become undernourished when they are unable to afford food. Hungry people have a difficult time concentrating on the work that is before them, which makes holding down a job or paying attention in school very difficult. Parents are often forced to decide whether to pay the rent or feed their hungry children.
Working with Department of Children and Families is one way I can contribute to making a difference in hunger and food insecurity. Florida offers a Food Stamps program through the Florida Department of Children and Families. This program is designed to assist low-income households with the purchase of nutritious food for the family table. We take a look at the Food Stamp program’s eligibility requirements, application procedures and purchasing rules. SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, provides