Submitted By mikimiyuki
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Pages: 3
Journal article review introductory template
Note: the questions on this template are very basic and this template is only suitable at the very beginning of a project. As you progress, you should be asking more complex questions about what you are reading.
Give the full details of the article: name, year, journal, authors? What journal is this in? Given the journal that it is in, what is the likely slant of the article? (Tip! You can use the ‘Citation’ feature from Summon to copy and paste here).
Why have you selected this text and what do you want to achieve from reading it? This is a fundamental question that you ask yourself. What you want to achieve will inform you on how to read the journal article. Typical information you might want to extract is: theories that I could use in my own study; what methods are used in this subject area?).
I’m interested in topic related to relationship marketing and customer satisfaction. Therefore, by reading this article, I want to enrich my knowledge, as well as learn some useful theories and key words in this area.
What type of literature is the paper? (e.g. theoretical, research (reporting an empirical study), practice, policy? are there links with other types of literature?). If the paper is empirical (reporting a study), give a very brief summary of the methods used (e.g. survey, panel data, interviews etc).
An empirical study
Method: questionnaire (both open-ended and closed-ended questions, likert scale by 5-point scale
Number of participants: 100 university lecturers and students who are patronizing different commercial banks in 3 regions in Malaysia.
What theories are the authors using in the paper? Tip! Good dissertations have links to theory.
4 stages of loyalty:
Cognitive loyalty: the information based on whether consumers look for costs, benefits and quality during their purchasing decision process, they can go to other stores If they offer better benefits. (the weakest type of loyalty because it’s related directly to costs and benefits of the offering, not to the brand)
Affective loyalty: relates to a favourable attitude towards a specific brand (a function of cognition (expectation)
Conative loyalty: this stage contains commitment to buy. One of the important dimensions is WOM customer will not only commit to buy, but also come to trust the favoured stores if they receive good WOM about it from family, relative, friends…
Action loyalty: habit, routinized response behaviour
Behavioral loyalty: repeated transactions, can be measured quite simply by observational techniques
Attitudinal loyalty: equivalently with relationship commitment. It must be accompanied a particular brand based on conative loyalty stage.
Relationship Marketing Orientation: SERVQUAL to test service quality