41 chatper Essay

Submitted By luosbio789
Words: 326
Pages: 2

I am almost finish my chapter now, but I would like to write my opinion now. I didn’t go to Fillmore before, even it is really close to us, because as I know, it is black community. Personally, black group still have some bad reputations that are crime, drugs, crazy people. Even if I love jazz, I can’t understand and accept loud music them played. Before I came to Unite states, so many people in China are warning me to stay away from black people or the black communities. But now I am really touching for black people were willing to help Japanese American after World War II. I am come from China and Japan also wanted to invade my country as well as American and other countries. Almost people might hate Japanese at that time and even being rude to call them “Japs”. This situation made many people to worry about how American Japanese who lived in there to get back into American society, particularly get back old home in the SF--- Western Addition. According to the book, I read so many achievements that changed my view about black people. They helped American Japanese getting better and feeling more comfortable after they got out from “assembly center” where was called the Tanforan Racetrack. Those people didn’t fight in real war, but they still have some kind of the post-war trauma. It is really challengingly to go back into the country that was really hurt them. Particularly, the black neighbor were already took their old place. The reason that black people give their