Level 4- I have a complete understanding of a child’s cognitive development. I can explain how schemas work with our mind in order to relate information to past experiences. I can explain how assimilation and accommodations work within a child’s mind in order to understand new concepts.
Level 3 (GOAL)- I understand that children have cognitive development over time. I can tell you that children are constantly changing in order to relate information to past experiences. I know that children are able to adapt their schemas in order to better understand the situations they find themselves in.
Level 2- I know that children cognitively develop over time. I could give you an example of a couple things that change over time in a child’s mind. I don’t really understand how children adapt to the new world that they are learning and living in.
Level1- What? I didn’t know that children develop over time. I guess I should probably start helping myself out a bit more and concentrate on learning the content. Ill make sure to prepare more.
and the Jean Piaget ability to understand develop gradually as a child grows
sharpest most inquisitive 4-year old simply cannot understand things that a 7-year old can
"Who was born first, you or your mother?" A
7 year old would be able to answer A 4 year old would not
development involves quantitative (the amount of information)changes and qualitative (the differences in manner of thinking)
Make it work!
use our schemas
(mental representations of the world) to understand
Assimilation- we try to fit the new object into a schema Accommodation- we change our schema in order to fit the new object
Stacking blocks
child finds a block and knows from previous schemas that you can stack blocks. (Assimilation)
child finds a box and tries to stack on it. The problem is that the blocks keep falling into the box.
The child then needs to alter in order to accommodate. An
infants understanding of things is the here and now.
Toy: sight, touch, taste/touch. When an infant loses a toy, it is gone forever and they look for another toy. It ceased to exist in their mind.
months the pattern of thought begins to change.
A child would look under a blanket for