215 final project example with citations Essays

Submitted By brenncarr
Words: 847
Pages: 4

Activity 1

Activity name:
Read the story, “The Mitten”, and do Sequencing Chart to introduce characters and a time-line of event (Brett, Jan (2003). Reading Reinforcement Kit for "The Mitten". Retrieved April 24, 2014, from http://www.centreforliteracy.qc.ca/Resources/catalog/fulltext/mitten/cover.htm).

Age group:
First graders

Objective(s): (What should the child know or be able to do at the end of the activity? Why are you doing this activity?)

The purpose of this activity is to introduce the elements of the story to the children, and explain what sequencing is. We will discuss the story line, the characters, and the sequence that the characters were introduced in the story, The Mitten. They should be able to recall the events that took place in the story, understand a little about each character, and in what order they were introduced to each animal character. Each child should be able to recall the events that happened in order. They will be using this information for the next activity that they will be doing with a partner. This activity will connect with the visual and auditory learner (California Department of Education, 2013).

Developmental domain addressed: (cognitive, physical, communication, social/emotional, adaptive – include a short paragraph explaining how the activity focuses on the chosen domain)

The primary domain this activity focuses on is the Verbal-Linguistic Domain. Although this is a Teacher-Centered activity, I will be calling on the children for their help in recalling the story line, while I record on the Sequencing Chart, the sequence of events, and the information about each animal character. This will require the use of verbal language, communication skills and knowledge, interest in print, and the ability to listen, and think cognitively.

Environmental arrangement: This activity will take place at the circle area where all children are seated on the large carpet

area. I will begin my lesson by creating a graphic organizer, more specifically a KWHL chart, with

the students. As explained in Melissa Jetton McDermott’s article, Using Graphic Organizers in Preschool, “When introducing graphic organizers, the teacher demonstrates her own thought

process by thinking aloud as she walks the children through using the chart”(2013). Therefore, I

will do exactly this as I talk to them about my thought process as I look at each column and share my own responses for each section.

They will be seated so they have full vision of my Sequencing Chart which will be located at the head of the circle next to me. I will first read the story to them at the front of the circle, and then do the chart with them. The chart will be hung on the board up above where they are seated, but so I can reach it to fill it out, as we discuss the events of the story. The shape of my chart is a large mitten, which will stay hung up on the wall for further activities, in which the children can look to, to recall the sequence of events, and the story elements.

List of materials:
This activity requires the book, which I will first read to them, and the chart, with the items labeled ahead of time on it: Characters, Setting, Details, Main Idea, Sequence of