1b Explain the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stage(s) and school governance.
There are three categories of schools within England, Mainstream Schools, Independent Schools and Academies. Mainstream Schools are all funded by local authorities and have to follow the National Curriculum. The four main types are:-
Community schools – these are run by the local authority, which employs the staff, owns the land and buildings and sets the entrance criteria, ie catchment area, that decides which children are eligible for a place.
Foundation and Trust schools – Foundation schools are run by a governing body which employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. The governing body or a charitable foundation will own the land and buildings that house the school. Trust schools are similar to Foundation schools, but will be run in conjunction with an outside body such as a business or charity which has formed an education trust.
Voluntary schools – there are two types of Voluntary schools – aided or controlled. Voluntary-aided schools are religious or faith schools. Like Foundation schools, the governing body employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. A charity, most often a church, will own the land and buildings that house the school. Voluntary-controlled schools are a combination of Community and Voluntary-aided schools. The local authority employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria but a charity, most often a church, will own the land and buildings that house the school and will also appoint some members of