Since 1775, the United States has grown from thirteen loosely organized English colonies to a superpower whose influence reaches around the globe. The US Army, which started as a measly group of farmers and the occasional great warrior has contributed immeasurably to the rise of the American nation. Many changes and much growth have contributed to the rise of the character of the United States. In 1775, the constitution binding us all together had yet to be written, but by 1941 our nation was bound by a paper that would lead us through the ups and downs of our economy and guide us to political justice. Amendments to this same constitution, named the Bill of Rights, began a rise of individual freedoms wider than I, or any person could ever have imagined.
Since the constitution has been formed, and amendments have improved its intent, the well being of our society can now be thought of. It would be my intention to continue to improve the lives of our nations people. Many common rights now were not even thought of in 1775. Ideas like a public schooling system, the abolition of slavery, and even the mere thought that women could be equal to men was unheard of. Coming into the twentieth century many more rights were given. In 1941, WWII began. The Japanese had seriously hurt us at Pearl Harbor the day before, which is when we reached our boiling point. Much propaganda was sent out including many well know magazine articles that influenced many people. It also set America on a course to pursue world peace.
Women have the same ability as men to do almost anything, and in our quest for world peace and the betterment of our society, the rights of women in the workplace must still be pursued. By 1941, some women begin to work outside the home, but they are still far underutilized in their contributions to the work force. In 1941, many people join together and sacrifice for the common good during the depression and then again during wartime, just as they had during the civil war. Still, many people need guidance on what to do in these times of fear and struggle.
During the depression, many people wrote letters asking me to help them. A common question, was: “How can a woman jump in and help just like her friends and family were doing.?” I believe that there are many ways to lend a hand, and believe that women as well as men can give great contributions that should be realized by this great country, regardless of cultural traditions. I wrote this in the women’s magazine: “Granted that a year of service for boys is finally satisfactorily adjusted, I personally hope that a year of compulsory service will also be considered for girls. I do not, of course, think of girls as taking the same training, or doing the same kind of work that the boys will probably do, nor do I think of them serving in camps. However, just as there are boys whose interests and capacities vary, so have girls varied interests and capacities. I think the opportunity should be offered to girls to work and train themselves along many different lines. To be specific, I think of girls doing their year of service, in large part, in their own communities. For instance, they could obtain training in a local hospital during part of the year. In this way not one, but two things might be achieved. The girl would be getting something which would be valuable in her own life in the community later on. The hospital would be better able to meet the needs of the community because of the