Be sure to put your name, the date, and the class period in the upper left hand corner of the next page, then write the title in the center. Then, tab over and start your first paragraph on the next line. All parts of the essay should be double spaced. The prompt and the Rubric you will be graded on are here on this first page. Prompt: To what extent are your 4th amendment rights being violated when the school performs searches with drug dogs?
Exceeds Standard 4
Meets Standard 3
Approaches Standard 2
Attempted Standard
Statement of
Claim(s) are clearly stated, focused and strongly maintained Counterclaim(s) are clearly identified & evenly developed Evaluates strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims Claim(s) is clearly stated and mostly maintained Counterclaim(s) are identified and developed Analyzes the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims
Claim(s) is present but not clear Identifies, but does not develop, counterclaim(s)
OR describes claim(s) and counterclaims without further elaboration OR gives uneven treatment to counterclaims vs. claims
Claim(s) may be confusing or ambiguous Does not identify a side or point of view, does not sufficiently develop claim(s) or counterclaim(s) Organization
Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end Effective introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose Strong connections among ideas, with varied sentence structure
Adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end Adequate introduction and conclusion for audience and purpose Adequate, if slightly inconsistent, connection among ideas
Lacking progression of ideas from beginning to end Conclusion and introduction, if present, are weak Weak connection among ideas Ideas are present but…
No progression of ideas is present No evidence of a conclusion and/or introduction No connection amongst ideas Elaboration of Evidence
Thorough and convincing support/evidence includes the effective use of sources, facts, and details achieves substantial depth Evidence is smoothly integrated, comprehensive, relevant, and concrete Effectively use of a variety of elaborative techniques Adequate support/evidence includes the use of sources, facts, and details. Some evidence from sources is integrated, though citations may be general or imprecise Adequate use of some elaborative techniques
Uneven, cursory support/evidence includes partial or uneven use of sources, facts, and details, and achieves little depth
Evidence from sources is weakly integrated, and citations, if present, are uneven Weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques
Minimal support/evidence or includes little use of sources, facts, and details Evidence from sources is minimal, in error, and/or irrelevant Overreliance on one elaborative technique
(e.g. only uses anecdotes or summary)
Language and Contentspeci fic Vocabulary
Always uses appropriate
Historical Concepts for the audience, topic, purpose Mostly uses appropriate
Historical Concepts for the audience and purpose
Intermittently uses appropriate Historical
Concepts for the audience and purpose.
Inappropriate use of
Historical concepts for the audience and purpose Chace Tullar
Civics 4th
April 21,2015 K9 Sniffing for our safety Everday U.S citizens lose more privacy. With the continuous development of new technology, new tactics for gaining further protection. drug sniffing dogs are coming to campus this year. This is conditional.
Students who carry drugs negatively influence others to try them. There are many positive