Student Audience: MBA students with an interest in exploring business opportunities and future work in emerging markets or involvement in business and economic development in the developing world.
Course Aims:
This course offers a conceptual framework for analyzing emerging markets from multiple perspectives in order to prepare business leaders to address the challenges of succeeding in a globalized world. This course fits into the Strategy curriculum by providing a deeper exploration of the “PEST” analysis as it applies to emerging markets. Increasingly in today’s market, sources of production, innovation and consumption arise from or have some connection to emerging markets. Any business leader seeking to engage in business of a global nature will likely come into contact with emerging markets over the course of his or her career. This course aims to equip such future leaders with the ability to make sense of the challenges and make the most of the opportunities presented in emerging markets and the developing world more generally.
Course Materials: The course will rely on a combination of academic research and business school cases to bridge theory and practice as they come to life in emerging markets. The case method will be used to give students the chance to think through the challenges and opportunities met by decision-makers facing the unique challenges of emerging markets. Case materials will be complemented by economics literature providing a theoretical framework for the concepts presented. The course materials are available in a reading packet prepared for the course and available for purchase.
Class Participation: Students are expected to participate actively in class based on their preparation and reading. Please let the instructor or teaching assistant know ahead of time if you will be absent from class.
Instructor Background: Tally Zingher has a background in international business with particular experience in the Middle East market. She worked for a leading investment banking boutique and a top global law firm in New York, then worked for the government sovereign wealth fund of Dubai, the UAE. She currently works on transactions that seek to bring innovative technologies and companies to new markets and provides companies with legal as well as business development advice.
Course Structure: Students will be expected to prepare for case discussions or class discussions on reading material. Each class session will include either a case discussion or a lecture followed by discussion of the relevant reading material. Each week, there will be two class sessions, noted by (a) and (b) in the syllabus.
Work Product: Each group of 3-4 students will pick an emerging market country to follow closely throughout the semester. They will be expected to explore the issues raised in the readings and class discussion from the perspective of their chosen country over the course of the semester.
Written Work Option 1:
Assignments: For at least 4 weeks (not including the first week), each group shall submit a 1-to-2-page “Assessment” of two issues raised in a case study being discussed in class with respect to the group’s chosen country, relating the experience of the country discussed in the case with the group’s chosen country. A group that submits more than 4 assignments will be able to choose which assignments will count towards their final grade for the class. The Assessments should demonstrate that the group has read the case and should provide analysis of the relevant country in light of the group's understanding of the case.
Final Project: A “Final Project” will be required in which each