10 English Film Techniques Text Analysis T4 2014 Essay
Submitted By Want2beinaclanG
Words: 1437
Pages: 6
Year 5-10 Assessment Template
Student Name:
Task Title:
Text Analysis: Essay (Film)Class: 10 English
Teacher: M.PorrovecchioAssessment Weight:
33.3% Start Date: 6/11/2014
Due date: Friday (14/11/2014) Subject:
Text Analysis: Film Techniques Parent Signature Task Outline:
“Films tell stories in a variety of ways, through plot but also through the visual language of film techniques. These techniques establish setting, mood and the pace of the plot, explain how this is true (using examples taken from two of the short films viewed this term). Refer to at least three specific film techniques used in each of the films you analyse.”
You may embed screen shots of specific examples of camera angles/colour schemes used in these films to demonstrate the techniques used in each of the three films discussed. These screen shots will need to be included at the end of the essay and referred to by their label (eg Fig.1) in the body of your essay.
Word length: 600-800 words
ACELY1776 Requirements:
Word processed
Wide margins on each side of the page (3cm)
1.5 line spacing
Arial Font Size 12
Each page numbered
Stapled in top left corner
Declaration form complete
I have kept a copy of the assignment
Harvard Reference List attached and in-text referencing included.
Student Declaration:
I certify that this work is my own and that all sources have been acknowledged.
Student Signature:________________________________
Understanding and appraising Synthesising, evaluating and critically framing Applying, utilising and innovating Communicating and creating
A Students perceptively evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors.
Students precisely explain with critical reasoning how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary contributes to the development of individual style. Students critically and persuasively develop and justify their own incisive and complex interpretations of texts.
Students incisively evaluate other interpretations, critically analysing the evidence used to support them.
Students critically listen for and astutely appraise ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular effects. Students incisively and coherently show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic effect.
Students precisely explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the perceptive development of cohesive and logical arguments.
Students develop their own lucid and sophisticated style by inventively experimenting with language features, stylistic devices, text structures and images in highly refined ways. Students proficiently create a wide range of texts to articulate complex ideas in critically reasoned and/or incisive ways.
Students make inventive and/or coherent presentations and, with insight and discernment, contribute actively to class and group discussions, perceptively and/or divergently building on others’ ideas, solving problems, justifying opinions and developing and expanding arguments.
Students demonstrate a knowledgeable and highly effective understanding of grammar, precisely varying vocabulary choices for impact, and dependably use accurate spelling and punctuation when creating and editing texts.
B Students effectively evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors.
Students effectively and logically explain with convincing reasons how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary contributes to the development of individual style. Students convincingly develop and justify their own closely observed, well-reasoned interpretations of texts.
Students cogently evaluate other interpretations, systematically analysing the evidence used to support them.
Students meticulously listen for and closely observe ways features within texts can be manipulated to