There are many different type of communicating online. These types include messaging, social networks, video callings, e-mails, and many other new sources that are still coming out. Social networking is the popular one that many young people as teenagers use nowadays. They are very easy, convenient and a lot fun. They have many type of communicating as you can write a simple message, call someone, video chat with another person or simply post your picture. E-mails are the most important and commonly used for more professional stuffs. It can be used in a career field as it is the most convenient and respectful way to reach a person. And on the education related sides it is used to share important and serious information.
I personally preferred using social networking as my top source of communication. Not only it allowed me to communicate with my friends or sometime family, it also allows me to reach out to my other friends and long lost families all over the world. Although I loved using social networking, I don’t use all of its features such as video chatting or calling because I am really a people shy person. It is not like I can’t communicate in front of a person. I can do that but I find it a lot easier to write down what I want to say which bring me back to the texting tool. I know I love texting people but sometimes it is difficult to portray feelings through just texting. While texting someone it is very difficult to know if the person is lying or telling the truth. And it is a lot harder to also find the person who is texting you or who you are texting. In another words I preferred texting because I just find it easy to communicate with and a lot more approachable even though it has its downsides, I still preferred it.
Overall, communicating online has it is conveniences and its downsides. It allows us to communicate more efficiently and effectively and reach out to our friends and families despite the fact that it is a very easy tool that allows people to steal identities. You can have your information stolen easily without even knowing it. Another downside of online communication is that you will never know if you are talking to a person or a robot or the computer itself. Also you will never know what type of person you are talking to, there is also this feeling of being with a human being, and you won’t have that sense that make you feel good knowing you are talking to a real person. Communicating online is very important and efficient to our generation because it is the easiest way we can communicate without traveling to long distances.
Despite the differences in perspective, shape, size and type, computers consist of hardware and software. A computer without software is only like a scrap thing scrap. Most of them are composed of operating systems software and or application software. The operating system is a software which components are very important and useful. It is also a program that allows users to use many different things on a computer. But it must also help the programmer to develop software in the most effective way which means it has already been implemented in the computer upon buying. An operating system is started as soon as you turned on your computer for the first time. The operating system manages and controls basically everything in a computer. The main purpose of an operating system is to develop applications without worrying about the details and operating material management.
Application systems are however things that we manually install in our computers. Application software helps you use and do assignments while system software is the thing that helps the PC run and direct the guidelines for the application programming. Numerous working operating systems have application software already installed in, and can likewise permit people to