Chapter 20: Preparing and Maintaining a Sterile Field
Check (ü) Yes or No
Before, during, and after the procedure, follows “Principles-Based Checklist to Use with All Procedures,” including: Identifies patient according to agency policy; attends appropriately to standard precautions, hand hygiene, safety, privacy, and body mechanics.
1. Assesses the sterility of all packages and equipment.
2. Positions patient before setting up a sterile field
(for bedside procedures).
Preparing a Sterile Field with Commercial Package:
3. Places the sterile package on a clean, dry surface.
4. Opens the flaps in this order to create a sterile field:
a. Opens the flap farthest from own body.
b. Opens side flaps.
c. Opens flap nearest body.
5. Treats as unsterile the area 1 inch from all edges of the wrapper, and any area hanging over the edge of the table.
Preparing a Sterile Field with Fabric or Paper-Wrapped Package:
6. Checks and removes the chemical indicator strip.
7. Removes the outer wrapper and places the inner package on a clean, dry surface.
8. Opens the inner wrapper following the same technique described in step 4 above.
Preparing a Sterile Drape:
9. Places the package on a clean, dry surface.
10. Holds the edge of the package flap down toward the table and grasps the top edge of the package and peels back.
11. Picks up the sterile drape by the corner and allows it to fall open without touching unsterile surfaces.
12. Places drape on a clean, dry surface, touching only the edge of the drape.
13. Does not fan the drape.
Adding Supplies to a Sterile Field:
14. Using the nondominant hand, peels back the wrapper in which the item is wrapped, creating a sterile barrier field with the inside of the wrapper.
Chapter 20: Preparing and Maintaining a Sterile Field (continued)
15. Holding the contents through the wrapper, several inches above the field, allows the supplies to drop