UNIT 024
The assessment methods used for children in our setting are by observing how the child develops and progresses. This is where a child can be observed and any behavioural problems can be recognised. Observations can monitor the child’s development regarding their motor skills, fine and gross, for example can they climb and run, can they use a pencil using a thumb and two fingers. By observing a child this way you will get a detailed profile of the child in the duration of the assessment. If the observation is planned well and there are plenty of resources and equipment that can be used by the child to bring out their natural ability and personal interest in the particular choice they make or are attracted to, it will be helpful then to monitor them while they enjoy their favourite play product. Role play products such as the house play area and the kitchen area can bring out the child’s imagination and fantasy play. The methods in our setting are to record the observations of the child by writing the range of achievements the child has progressed to, the feedback to the child’s parent can also be helpful. Choosing methods to assess a child can be grouped into different categories, the motor skills, social skills, communication, intellectual/cognitive. Recording a child’s assessment should also be confidential and the parent’s permission should be given in writing. It is important to write what you see when observing a child, also to stand back and let the child act naturally. Story time, physical play and other activities can be encouraged but also letting the child play with the group and not be