GMAT Sentence Correction Practice Test 04

1. With his sub-four minute mile Bannister broke a psychological barrier, inspiring thousands of others to attempt overcoming seemingly insurmountable hurdles.

A. inspiring thousands of others to attempt overcoming
B. inspiring thousands of others to attempt to overcome
C. inspiring thousands of others to overcome
D. and inspired thousands of others to attempt to overcome
E. and inspired thousands of others to attempt overcoming

2. Ricks has written extensively on not only major figures in English poetry like Milton and Housman, but also on the lyrics of Bob Dylan.

A. on not only major figures in English poetry like Milton, but also on
B. not only on the poetry of such major figures as Milton and Housman, but also on
C. not only on major figures in English poetry like Milton and Housman, but also on
D. on major figures in English poetry like Milton and Housman, as well as
E. on major figures in English poetry such as Milton and Housman, but also on

3. An analysis of sixteenth century probate inventories in the major English towns show that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups or salt cellars.

A. show that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups or
B. show that some artisans and yeomen even owned silver spoons, cups or
C. show that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups and
D. shows that some artisans and yeomen owned even silver spoons, cups and
E. shows that even some artisans and yeomen owned silver spoons, cups or

4. Stress-induced amnesia is a rare phenomenon; it strikes the patient apparently without warning and the memory loss can be as complete as that induced by physical trauma.

A. as complete as that induced by physical trauma
B. as complete as is induced by physical trauma�s
C. as least as complete as physical trauma induces
D. at least as complete as physical trauma
E. just as complete as those induced by physical trauma

5. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.

A. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
B. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should be paying half the cost of the initial print run of the author�s controversial new book.
C. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
D. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the publishers insisted the author should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
E. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the author was required by the publisher to pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.

6. It is probable that the prototype cellular motor might be ready for testing around the end of next year.

A. might be ready for testing around the end of next year
B. may be ready for testing about he end of next year
C. might be ready for testing toward next year�s end
D. will be ready for testing toward the end of next year
E. should be ready for testing toward the end of next year

Test information

Q 6-10 questions

Time 10 minutes

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